A New Year, A New You...

Goal Setting for Weight Loss

Why is goal setting for weight loss so important...especially around this time of year? Inevitably, weight loss ia always in the top 10 for New Years's Resolutions among Americans.

Even more,every year New Year’s Day brings hopes of starting fresh, accomplishing tasks that were not manageable the year before, or just a new opportunity to work on self-improvement. It’s always so exciting in the beginning, but where does the motivation go? Why do so many New Year’s Resolutions fail? Goal setting is simple, I just write down what I want to accomplish… right? [Read More]

Write It Down!

How many times have you started keeping a diet and exercise journal and fizzled out before the week was done? Time is a huge factor and journaling does not have to be perfect. I understand that you may forget a few days and feel overwhelmed, however pick up where you left off, don't forget the whole concept all together! Journaling should be fun and relaxing. There is not an exact science on how you keep your journal, however we have provided guidelines for better results! [Read More]

Need a Plan?

A weight loss eating plan most likely appears daunting and too much effort for minimal sleep and time. I’m sure even reading this article is taking up more time than your day technically allows. However, whether you just gave birth or you have teenagers driving around, most mom’s are forever trying to lose their baby weight.I truly understand the difficulties people have with losing weight and I want to simplify your journey (No, I am not selling you an amazing POST PREGNANCY DIET- LOSE 10 POUNDS THIS WEEK!). [Read More]

Swap It!

Regular Coffee Creamer vs. Sugar-free Coffee Creamer

While they look very similar, they are actually quite different. Making this simple swap could save you 25 calories per serving (1 tablespoon). If you are anything like me, you use double that. So, you would save 50 calories per cup of coffee. If you enjoy a couple cups a day, your up to a 100 calorie savings. That really adds up! You are also going to cut out 5 grams of sugar per serving! These little changes can make all the difference.

Recipe of the Month

New Real Fit Recipes

Creamy Pesto Tortellini
Easy Chili

Even More Healthy Recipes!

Move of the Month

Pelvic Thrusts

Another one of my favorites. I include it in almost all of my classes. When done properly it will make the back of your leg burn...oh, you will feel it the next day!

It is awesome because no weights are needed, it can be done anywhere, anytime (while the baby is napping, the water is boiling, watching TV)and there are different levels. [Learn How]

Get motivated! Kick-Butt Pre-Designed Workouts perfect for the New Year!

Tips for Morning Sickness

Tips for morning sickness? Well, don’t be fooled by the name. The dreaded nausea and vomiting is usually the first sign of pregnancy and isn’t limited to the morning hours. The increase in hormones that are flowing through your body is mostly to blame for this torturous feeling.

On the bright side, some doctors view morning sickness as a sign that the placenta is developing as it should. Don’t be alarmed. The absence of morning sickness doesn’t mean something is wrong. It just means you are one lucky mom-to-be.

The bad news, this morning sickness usually makes its debut around the 6th week. The good news, morning sickness usually subsides around the end of the first trimester (week 12). Still, that can make for a long 6 weeks (or longer for some…so sorry).

Here are some tips for morning sickness and surviving the urge to purge. [Read More]

What's New?

Snack Attack Snack Ideas

Snack ideas...like I have said before, this is where we lose it. A handful here, a handful there…it all adds up and still leaves us hungry and unsatisfied. I don't believe in depriving ourselves in an effort to get back into those "skinny jeans". Having said that, I still believe we have to make smart choices.

This can be the confusing part. Those labels can be confusing and the catchy marketing techniques can be misleading. For this reason, Lindsey and I have done the hard work for you. We have read the labels, tested them and picked out some snacks that will satisfy your cravings without derailing your weight loss efforts. Read More

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Talk to Me!

Don't forget that we have page in which you can contact us . So, if you have a healthy recipe, a new awesome strength training move, a suggestion for a future newsletter or even an inspiring success story, we would love to hear from you. Don't hesitate to ask a question or share an idea. Also, feel free to forward this onto a friend!

Healthy Regards,
Sommer Tucker

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
John Bingham, running speaker and writer