Pizza recipes are usually loaded with calories and piled high with fat. Did you know there could actually be health benefits to eating pizza? Yep, the more you pile on the fruits or vegetables, the more nutrient needs that are being met. A simple slice of pizza could provide the following nutrients:
Whole Wheat Crust can be a great source of fiber and B vitamins
Low-fat cheese helps to meet calcium needs (women should aim for 1000 mg daily!)
Adding vegetables like broccoli & bell peppers can add a great source of Vitamin C which will promote a healthy immune system
Tomato Sauce is a good source of lycopene, a carotenoid that helps to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancers
Moral of the story… it’s ok to indulge in a couple slices of pizza, just choose more healthy selections (like fruit or vegetables) and steer clear of the fatty meats (like bacon, sausage or pepperoni).