by Jolie
(Philadelphia, PA)
I am 32 years old, and have a one year old baby. I am happy to say that at his first birthday party, I was proudly wearing my skinny jeans!
I was in a slump at 3 months post delivery at 150 pounds - 20 pounds higher than my usual weight. I had given up and was very depressed. Then, my friend sent me a link to, where Expert Mom answered a Mom's question about "Weight Loss Woes" (I think she re-ran it recently).
Anyway, Expert Mom gave some great tips, but the most important piece of advice she gave was to take it easy on yourself, and give yourself at least 9 months to lose the weight. This encouraged and motivated me to stop beating myself up and take it one day at a time. My new attitude motivated me to workout, and 9 months later, I weighed less than I had in years, at 126lbs! Thanks Expert Mom!