"Snack Attack" Snack Ideas

Quaker Rice Cakes

These are one of Griffin's (my 2 year old) favorite snack ideas that I found. Oh, and I absolutely love these too. I don't have a sweet tooth so much but I love chips and salty snacks. The Quakes Rice Snacks in ranch flavor completely satisfy my "salty tooth".

They come in a number of flavors and only have about 60 calories per serving and no fat. Portion control...they also come in mini packs that only have 90 calories for the entire package. The ones with a carmel drizzle would definitely satisfy your sweet tooth.

The only draw back...lack of protein. I suggest dipping them in a little "all natural" peanut butter for some extra protein. You could even stack the salty ones with a small slice of low fat mozzarella cheese. Since your snack should range around 200 calories, you have 110 calories to play with when it comes to adding your protein. Remember, every meal and snack should have a source of protein present.

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